Oakley Missouri Inc. |

Consolidated Grain & Barge Company is an agricultural
transportation and marine services organization with business operations ongoing at more than 55 facilities in eight states.
Twenty river grain-loading facilities are included in a marketing network totaling 45 inland and terminal elevators and
mult-purpose river terminals.
Trinity Cover Fabrication |

MFA River Terminal consists of 32,000 tons of dry fertilizer storage and 3,500
tons of nitrogen solution storage. In addition to its own storage, the company also unloads and stores fertilizer for
various fertilizer producers.
Oakley Missouri Inc. is a quality-driven manufacturer
and distributor of fertilizers and bulk chemicals. The 18,000ton dry storage facility is designed with high speed efficient
handling capabilities as its strengths. Oakley Missouri Inc. markets fertilizer through this facility and provides barge-loading
and storage services for others.
Consolidated Grain & Barge Company |

Trinity Cover Fabrication is a division of Trinity
Industries, Inc. The company is primarily involved in designing, engineering, and manufacturing large fiberglass reinforced
plastic collection systems, which are used by chemical and industrial facilities to protect the environment.
MFA River Terminal |
